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From urban centers to rural communities, the Desert Diet is the largest growing health trend sweeping across our nation’s arteries. With 23 million Americans already experiencing the effects - isn’t it time you got started?


Ninety-five percent of people quit their diets after just the first six weeks - but not with us. The Desert Diet is the first plan specifically tailored to stick to you. We removed healthy and nutritious options to give dieters what they really want - taste and convenience. So no burdensome trips to the grocery store. No meal prep. And especially nothing green - unless it’s sour apple flavored.


There’s no cheating when every day’s a cheat day.

Created by the Best 

Our Team 

We work closely with experts to make sure the Desert Diet is nothing short of the most convenient and accessible plan for everyone looking to be apart of the largest growing health trend.

“It[‘s] a stepping-stone for the next great thing.”

-Cristeta Comerford-

Take the first step towards your last

Our pre-packaged boxes are delivered directly to your doorstep, providing the necessary calories to fuel your day. Choose from a variety of flavors and find your favorite.

“Some people live their dreams. Why not you?"

-Jillian Michaels-

"Stop being a vegan and start enjoying what you eat." 

- Jamie Oliver -

Diet Plan

Daily meal plans that are easily accessible at your fingertips.  

An easy 30 day plan, with meal ideas that will keep you motivated and help you get the body you've always wanted. 

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